" A green infrastructure proposal should focus on public ownership and democratic control — rather than private profit — since the capitalist system and reliance on market forces created the climate crisis. A plan should also avoid false climate solutions such carbon capture, “renewable” gas, biomass, garbage incineration and nuclear. (Green Party). The COP 26 Glasgow summit in Nov 2021 failed to produce radical action necessary...working behind closed doors to protect fossil fuel companies and politican's campaign contributions. The US worked with China and India to weaken language related to moving away from coal plants and subsidies to Fossil Fuels..." Among other false solutions include carbon trading and offsets, and other market based mechanisms which serve to provide "cover: for big polluters while continuing business as usual." Mark Dunlea for the Green Party Eco Action Committee.
Green Party outline for action includes:
short term mandatory actions with timelines and goals targeting next 5-10 years
inclusion of military GHG accounting for 6% worldwide/mandates for cuts
creation of an energy system embracing public ownership and democratic control
declaration of a climate emergency by the President
The Pallone/ Tonko CLEAN FUTURE'S ACT bill does not eliminate fossil fuel extraction; it relies on fracked gas and supports garbage incineration tweet: @repPaulTonko Talking Points
The CLEAN Future Act allows for expansion of fossil fuels and a tax break for waste incineration. How does this make sense?
The NYC Climate Clock shows we have about 7 years left of our global carbon budget. The CLEAN Future Act sets a goal of net carbon neutral by 2050. How does this make sense?
Given the trajectory of our current greenhouse gas emissions, runaway climate change will happen this decade. There are many excellent scientific papers already written. Why does the CLEAN Future Act call for a 3 year study before implementation?
Given your often stated concern for environmental justice what support have you offered the Sheridan Hollow community who’s smokestacks you can see from your office?
Corporate Support of Climate Action In 2017 25 Companies signed the C2ES climate letter urging the President to stay in the Paris accord but they also use PACS to support Republican candidates such as Loeffler and Perdue; these companies' PACS support those 2 Georgia candidates who lost the 2020 run off:: Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Dominion Energy, Microsoft, GM
The following financial institutions support pipeline development: Wells Fargo Chase CitiBank Bank of America
Biden's Administration has appointed fossil fuel industry allies like Rep. Cedric Richmond to lead the White House Office of Public Engagement. Rep. Richmond has received more than $300,000 from fossil fuel industry donors and lobbyists
In order to meet the needs of the climate crisis, we need to oppose all false solutions: NYS passed the historic Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, that requires an economy-wide zero greenhouse gas emissions mandate by the year 2050 and requires state investment in communities hit hardest by pollution and the climate crisis. However, the fossil fuel industry is fighting hard to maintain the status quo when it comes to emissions in New York by proposing insidious techno-”fixes” that let them stay relevant and keep making money while looking “green”. We’re hitting back. We just released a new report called False Solutions: How the Fossil Fuel Industry is Holding Back a Just transition.
Factory farm biogas, biofuels
carbon capture,
carbon offsets,
and carbon pricing
are all false solutions to the climate crisis. Instead of addressing emissions, safety, and injustice in our energy system, these schemes create ways for energy companies to continue their expansion and profit off oil and gas. We must rapidly phase out fossil fuel and gas infrastructure, enact comprehensive economic plans to drive job growth, rebuild and diversify local economies, support sustainable agriculture, and invest in a new green economy that is designed, built and governed by communities and workers. NY RENEWS Tell your legislators: Oppose False Solutions to the Climate Crisis. Build Back Fossil Free. petition to Stop False Climate Solutions: http://fwwat.ch/3aJEfQB