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GELF/CACN among a number of Albany activists groups who initiate upstate pressure on NYS governor: Pressure continues to be needed on Governor Hochul for 1. inclusions of the CCIA(Climate and Community Investment Act) into the CLCPA (Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act passed in June 2019). Call Governor Hochul 2. to sign the Crypto Moratorium and Thermal Bills passed by the NYS Assembly spring 2022 Albany resources: "PAUSE" local directory https://www.timesunion.com/business/article/A-business-directory-that-s-socially-responsible-15626060.php for -
Sign the petition to eliminate NYS subsidies to the Fossil Fuel Industry https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/stop-funding-climate-destruction-and-pass-a257c/ A257C requires the Governor to identify all fossil fuel related tax expenditures and their effects on New York in his annual tax expenditure report. We call on the Assembly Government Operations Committee to vote in favor of the bill and Speaker Heastie to bring it to the floor for a vote. New York State- largest pension fund in the world to take comprehensive climate action, including fossil fuel divestment. The $226 billion state pension fund will review and divest from the riskiest oil and gas companies within 4 years and decarbonize the entire fund by 2040. This came after years of campaigning by the New York Youth Climate Leaders and the rest of the DivestNY coalition. Dec 8,2020 New York Youth Climate Leaders Divest NY Teachers Pension (NYSUT) www.divestnyteachers.org NYS ban plastic bags act went into effect spring 2020. It was put on pause during COVID and is back into effect late fall 2020. Contact Judith Enck if you see businesses/markets, stores packaging in single film plastic bags or take out styrofoam. NYS Passes the Green Amendment https://www.adk.org/nys-assembly-passes-a-green-amendment/ Announcement below for Judith Enck Plastics Course Bennington College
past effective advocacy results: Judith Enck on Governor Cuomo signing the Norlite bill into law "Governor Andrew Cuomo did the right thing ...by signing legislation that will permanently ban the burning of toxic firefighting foam(PFOA's) at the Norlite hazardous waste incinerator in Cohoes, NY. Nov. 2020 Comments to the Public Serive commision on National Grid request for rate increase: Mark Schaeffer, People of Albany United for Safe Energy, the affiliate of 350.org (1) in the Capital Region November 25, 2020 1) The Climate and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) requires that all decisions by the PSC and other state agencies be consistent with the goals of reducing greehouse gas emissions in the electric power sector 70% by 2030, and 100% by 2040, and eliminating net GHG emissions by 2050 in the entire state economy. 2) Approving new infrastructure to expand the use of fossil fuels is inconsistent with that mandate, in this and all other proceedings. 3) National Grid is requesting that the PSC approve $42 million this year for new natural gas delivery infrastructure, and more to follow. 4) Natural gas is some 90% methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas with a climate impact more than 80x that CO2 per molecule over a twenty year time frame, about all the time left to meet the CLCPA mandate Ban Plastic course Bennington College Judith Enck,Former EPA Regional Administrator, President, Beyond Plastics www.beyondplastics.org Visiting Professor and Senior Fellow six-week online class in February 2021. [email protected], see document below for announcement for the course NY Youth Climate Leaders led a NYS lobbying day on Jan 11, 2021 with legislators to garner endorsements for a tax bill package that would create progressive taxation/capital gains to help fund the 16B state deficit and redirect funds toward climate mitigation and just transition. This tax package will be coming to a vote in 2021 winter legislative session. Spring: New Senate Fracking Bill pending: please click on button for more information |